In the past few days I've posted a (now undeleted) answer to Stack Snippets Sandbox - Try It Out Here!
Here's a copy-paste of the snippet for the curious:
<?php ?><script>
$store = array(0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0); function array(){ return [].slice.apply(arguments) }var preg_replace=function(regex,w,str){var re=regex.split('/').splice(1,2);re[1]+='g';return str.replace(RegExp.apply(0,re),w)},str_split=function(s,n){var a=[],n=n||1;for(var i=0;i<s.length;i+=n)a.push(s[i]);return a;},implode=function(w,a){return a.join(w)},var_dump=function(t){document.write((typeof t=='object'?(t.length>-1?'array':'object'):typeof t)+(t.length!==void 0?'('+t.length+')':'')+' '+JSON.stringify(t).replace(/\[/,'{').replace(/\]/,'}').replace(/,([^,])/g,', $1'))},styl=document.createElement('style');styl.innerHTML='body{font-family:monospace}';document.head.appendChild(styl);
$check = str_split(preg_replace('/10/','1',implode('',$store)));
var_dump($check); </script><?php
To my understanding, the sandbox can be used to try out the feature indefinitely, but I was told by the commenter that it's a "spammy answer bumping an old post". All I wanted to do was link the answer in my profile.
So my question is, what's the general time limit we are allowed to use past and future sandboxes for that pop up for new features? Does posting an answer so late count as spam and should be nuked on sight?