On Stackoverflow it is absolutely irrelevant (putting aside legal questions and the like...) where you got your code/question/problem from. It is the question itself that matters.
We already have tons of questions that ask "what does this do", "what does this mean", what kind of operator is this" or others. More. More.
Some of them are really good, some of them are bad. But none stand or fall with the fact that they were found in open-source code. It is important to phrase the question correctly and to boil it down to a single problem.
I have seen some questions here on SO by people that have to deal with code from colleagues. Sometimes they just dump the whole program/function. Your instinct will already tell you that that's a bad question.
Others will find a specific operator they have never seen and ask about it. Your instinct will already tell you that that's a good question (mostly)
The problem with your question(s) currently seems to be that they are too broad. If you really intend on asking questions about how code is organized you better make really sure that you find a specific problem in this organization, maybe the relation between two classes that employ a pattern you have never seen. Hierarchy, responsibilities and code structure might be questions of taste/opinion and you fare better avoiding such questions on SO.
So I don't think we/you need a special tag. Just tag the language of the code and make it a good and interesting question about the thing that you need help with. Yes please! Ask for help in "source-diving", but do it the SO-way
too broad
and theprimarily opinion-based
close vote reasons could apply here.