Another question in the "Will you pass that audit" line. This one's going to be from the first posts queue.
I've been doing some reviews today, one of which was this one. The question behind, local native-iOS time-hack proof background count-down timer, seems to be badly written, abuses non-capitalized letters, shows no research efforts, is vague, overly broad and opinion-based to me. A good candidate for closing.
I decided to give it a small chance as it could have collected some potentially valuable answers by editing out irrelevant information, improving English. Luckily, I hit the edit button, thus passed this audit. It turned out that this question gathered 13 votes, with 0 votes presented at the audit.
This audit seems kind of too harsh to me. It's only a matter of plain chance that I passed, I would most probably vote to close another question of this flavour next time and fail the audit.
Am I missing something? What would you have chosen for this audit? Could the dubious audits indicate the reason for rethinking the auditing system so that it wouldn't resemble tossing the coin, or this example is simply an outlier?