ADDED: I am at a loss to understand why this issue is not being reviewed by the site admins and moderators. Concerns here have been expressed in volume throughout the community. Please re-read my points and review my references for a clear interpretation.
UPDATED: Specifically, and I have noted below in the paragraph beginning with MY SUGGESTIONS. Some questions clearly are specific enough to be left open and not removed. Yet they are still being CLOSED and or REMOVED. Can the process for this be changed as suggested below? Perhaps a specific moderator classification so that questions can be thoroughly analyzed for acceptance.
I hope this is the correct place to post this concern. It was suggested in SO Help to use the Meta site for this purpose. I have noted a number of Closed posts in Stack Overflow applying the Off Topic rule.
To note, this one pending close.
I fully understand the need to push content out that is off topic of not specific. But I point out in my comment on the above post that the user specifically listed a single browser. Among other key points that reveals the value of the question.
I recently had a specific question of my own closed, and before I could fully address the issue it was removed. Mine specifically focused on's file upload control, and applying an anti-virus scan to the inbound file. This surely seems specific to me and the many visitors.
Google cache reference to post.
I believe the question complied with section listed in SO help...
**What topics can I ask about here?**
3rd bullet
**•software tools commonly used by programmers; and is**
So my concern was to ask if there was some recent push to apply this rule, and little did I suspect it was an overwhelming complaint from the community...
community echoing concerns of misuse of rule or applied
the feeling that I am not alone in this matter is of no relief at this point. I had hoped that there was some push to implement a clean up, and that bringing this observation to light might quell some of the push or bring a bit more scrutiny to the process, but it appears this is an ongoing concern. There are dozens of similar posts throughout the site.
My suggestion is that this rule be redefined and more discretely given to specific reviewers for a more discerning evaluation. Increase the vote count required. Remove the single moderator vote removal/closure. Allow lower reputation points to reopen a question.
The SO community has clearly spoken about this being an issue so Please Respond in Kind with some sort of fix.
Best Regards and Happy New Year.
Remove the single moderator vote removal/closure.
How are moderators supposed to immediately close spam questions then?Allow lower reputation points to reopen a question.
Lower-reputation users may not be familiar with the nuances of the site, why give them a privilege they may not understand or may misuse? Besides, questions can be flagged for moderator review to be opened, and editing them adds them to the Re-open queue.