Sometimes I get bugs and after searching I noticed that it's because of adblock. I think that the majority of users would not be able to find this information very easily and would assume that it's a bug with the website. Although adblock notices usually are for profit purposes, I think it would be for informative purposes too, something like:
It appears you're using adblock. Adblock is known to sometimes cause issues with rendering certain elements. This is merely an informative post for your convenience and we are not suggesting you disable adblock. See meta posts #1 and #2 for a workaround. (If you suspect that there is a bug with the website and disabling adblock didn't help, please report it!) Insert canned sentence here, "thank you for using stackexchange"
This could go in place of advertisements that are blocked (on the sidebar). That would be the least obnoxious way of doing it. Instead of text, you could also have a rotation of community-made images (to allow others artwork to be seen). Either way, the idea is to replace the advertisements, not display a big banner.
That way you don't lose trust with users by telling them to disable adblock but they can make an informed decision on whether to disable adblock (for helping of stackexchange make money) or keep it enabled but at least make them aware it is not a site bug.
Empty choices in “Know someone who can answer?”
Missing some buttons in the titlebar of Stack Overflow
Stack Overflow top menu bar not being rendered properly in Chrome