There are 2 points to this.
What is the factual point of Stack Overflow? I asked something yesterday about Stack Overflow being fit for purpose with user moderators, and this sparked a whole other debate. So I removed it. But as a follow up from it: What is Stack Overflow?
Someone yesterday said it was supposed to be like Wikipedia, for users-asked question about programming. Well if this is the case, incorrect or obsolete information should be removed. Wikipedia polices its system for incorrect information frequently, and corrects it very fast.
Is it just supposed to be a Q&A for providing support to users, whether the information is correct or incorrect? If this is the case, why are we losing rep for down voting answers that are incorrect? Also against this point: why are there badges for keeping information correct, for example the peer pressure badge?
What is Stack Overflow supposed to do? Is it supposed to provide factual answers like Wikipedia or is it just a Q&A, and if so why are users punished for down voting an incorrect answer? Or do you think its supposed to be something else?
And following that, is it doing what you think it should be doing? As another note, why are user moderators just voting with the highest scored users as I mentioned yesterday? I would much prefer incorrect information was removed, and yes that includes my own. For a developer time is everything and an answer that is incorrect will just waste developers time.
This is a discussion, not an argument, not a dig, just a discussion. What is Stack Overflow supposed to do now and is it doing it?
i stated it was not recommended but it is possible this is what sparked the debate about what SO is supposed to be when i got told it was likeWikipedia
user moderators
Not moderators with the diamond thing i am not saying it is but if "Bad advice isn't welcome" why is incorrect information welcome then? and i did state it was not recommended i was just trying to prove that what he said of it can not be done was incorrect