Partially, yes. In a way it is creating a virtual war/hunt for hats. Some people want to have hats and want to see their names on the leadership board. To achieve them they start doing creepy things. I think hats should bring more fun and also should improve the quality. Somethings like hats for upvotes/downvotes are leading so called "hathunters" (I term them so because they do everything to earn the hat) to downvote even good questions/answers and even upvote some shitty posts.
I observe these hats are encouraging people to actively use the site, but these should not mislead the actual essence of the site.
The hats should help people to learn new things. Hats for good questions from iOS/Android is good, but hat for just posting from the app!! (I think the developers are using this hats system to make users download the app and make money).
I didn't mean to hurt any one. This is just my opinion on the current winter bash and the things going around it.