I just asked this question. It's a fake question used as an umbrella for a long answer where I tried to collect many common issues about Unicode text management and globalization stuff.

In my intention it had to be a generic self-answered question to be used as general guidance to begin a deeper study of the topic and to dupe close all almost similar questions (Which code page for non-Unicode file names in ZIP files? or In C#, how can I count characters in a string?).

To me it seems perfectly reasonable and there are many examples (also few from me), but this question received (well also its self-answer even if they should be unrelated) some downvotes and four close votes which makes me think I may be wrong. One user pointed to this meta question: Can you answer your own questions on Stack Overflow? where accepted answer states that:

This is not a place to post a blog so make sure that the question/answer is general enough to be helpful to other members, but not so broad that it doesn't target a specific programming issue.

So my question is: is this self-answered question too "blog post"y to be useful and should it simply be deleted (no matters how many times I'll have to copy & paste paragraphs from it)?

More in general: I would like to know if this kind of umbrella questions can be bad questions, because their value come from question and answer, together, like evergreen Saunder's question What is a NullReferenceException and how do I fix it?. Obviously, the question alone is terrible, but it's valuable (and highly upvoted), because it's a great highly used reference.

Reasoning: I like to see Stack Overflow not only as a patches repository or a long list of footnotes to MSDN, MDN, man pages, javadoc and so on. Is it a quick fix my problem site? In my mind it has to be a knowledge repository, a learning resource then a broad question and a long post are welcome if they are general enough to help someone else.

I can't understand: with hundred answers that, for example, suggests C# string length is the number of characters in the text (even highly upvoted and accepted, propagating this misconception with no mention it's wrong)...we worry if a question is too broad and/or good by itself? Really? Are these things relegated to our blogs and Stack Overflow is a place for half-working solutions where you need great time to pick a little bit better one? I think very specific real-world questions are (rare) pearls, but they're hard to find and longer to understand: I'm searching solution for X, this post talks about Y, move on. EDIT question has been closed, reopened then closed again...I'm still waiting feedback here on meta (answers/comments), but I start to think I've been just pretty unlucky when I saw posts I linked (and many others) then I should simply delete that bad (because too broad) useless (because everyone knows and judging by votes the answer is also completely wrong) question...

I can't see official guidance and then I would collect some feedback on meta, what do users want? What's the Stack Overflow team's direction about this? What should I do? Stop doing this? Downvoting and closing each post like this I see on Stack Overflow? Is a C# FAQ (similar to C++ FAQ that exists on Stack Overflow) a bad idea?

  • 18
    What actually bothers me most about the question is not whether it's appropriate for the site or if the question and answer justify one another. It's the fact that "UNICODE" is so consistently capitalized throughout the entire thing. I'm not sure where you got the idea that Unicode was an acronym that stood for anything. It's not. Even the multiple quotations that you include in your self-answer, in which it's not capitalized, suggest otherwise.
    – BoltClock
    Commented Dec 1, 2014 at 17:05
  • 2
    @BoltClock your diamond is UNICODE ;) Commented Dec 1, 2014 at 17:09
  • @boltclock I can't stop to see it not as acronym but as abbreviation so, no matters how hard I try, I always write it "small-capped"! Anyway you're right, it pretends to be a word then thanks for your patient editing!!! Commented Dec 1, 2014 at 17:40
  • 2
    Now "small-capped" is bothering me even more than "UNICODE." ;p Commented Dec 2, 2014 at 21:20
  • 1
    i will never understand why i so often see people put certain words in all-caps for seemingly no reason. does anyone get why people do this?
    – user428517
    Commented Dec 3, 2014 at 16:56
  • 1
    @sgroves to speak loudly, very often, but also to simulate small-caps for acronyms and some abbreviations... Commented Dec 3, 2014 at 16:58
  • 1
    yeah but i mean words that aren't acronyms or abbreviations (like unicode).
    – user428517
    Commented Dec 3, 2014 at 16:59
  • sort of typewriter style EMPHASIS ;) Commented Dec 3, 2014 at 17:00
  • 2
    that doesn't make any sense. please don't do that. :)
    – user428517
    Commented Dec 3, 2014 at 17:00

4 Answers 4


In my intention it had to be a generic self-answered question to be used as general guidance to begin a deeper study of the topic and to dupe close all almost similar questions (which code page for non-Unicode file names in zip files? or in C# how can I count characters in a string?).

I agree generally with the answers already given by Servy and by musefan – this isn't a good platform for the breadth of guidance your question and answer aimed to provide. I want to address the other motivation you identified, which was providing a canonical Q&A to use when closing other questions as duplicates.

There are several discussions about canonical questions and answers here on meta, including:

Each implicitly assumes that using an existing question is better than creating a new one. If you don't know of an appropriate canonical target, that doesn't mean it doesn't exist; and if it doesn't exist, there may still be a question that's close enough that it could be edited to fit that role.

If there's no canonical target, it's a big job to create one, whether you're transforming an existing question or starting from scratch. The best thing to do, as soon as you found yourself thinking about writing what you called a "fake" question, would have been to run your idea past the meta community first. Canonical duplicate for "floating point is inaccurate" is one example of how this can work. The guidance you would have received from such a discussion would have helped you avoid the breadth issues that got your question closed in the first place.

  • I really appreciate this answer, I think a canonical answer was needed (especially because well...I didn't find any both accepted and right answer) but the way to go was to ask on meta first, I admit I didn't even think to first discuss on meta, I posted here after discussion started on question comments. Also thanks for links to other related posts. Commented Dec 4, 2014 at 8:14

Your question is going to be held up to the same standards as every single other question asked on this site. The fact that you want to answer it yourself changes nothing about how the question should be evaluated, just as the fact that you asked the question does nothing to change how the answer should be evaluated.

If you want to self answer a question both the question and the answer both need to be quality posts that meet all of the site's standards.

As to your specific question, yes, it is most certainly way too broad. It's asking to learn everything about localization in every single language. That's way beyond the scope of an appropriate SO question. You even state right in the question in the first revision that it's a huge topic that cannot be covered in an answer here. Clearly you yourself feel that the question was Too Broad when you asked it.

  • 6
    Isn't this in constrast with, for example, other "dupe catching" questions like What is a NullReferenceException and how do I fix it? (and brothers)? Value there is not in question itself (too broad and without effort) but in answer(s) used as reference for future readers... Commented Dec 1, 2014 at 15:58
  • 3
    @AdrianoRepetti That question can be answered, reasonably completely, in a handful of paragraphs. All of the differences between each of the hundreds of NRE questions are very rarely germane to the question at hand. You're asking to list out everything about localisation. There's no way you can provide all of that in a few paragraphs. Entire books are written on the subject, making it they very definition of Too Broad. There's no way that you can provide a quality answer to that in a few paragraphs, and no way that such a post would be a suitable duplicate target for other questions.
    – Servy
    Commented Dec 1, 2014 at 16:01
  • So, if I understand what you mean, question+answer problem is that question is too broad, it can't be a catch all similar questions, it should be more focused on a specific issue (even if in this way someone won't read it even if it may be appropriate to his case). Well then I suppose also multi-language tags aren't appropriate (even if general discussion is pretty language agnostic). Commented Dec 1, 2014 at 16:17
  • 3
    @AdrianoRepetti The question is evaluated no differently as a result of you answering it; that's the simplest way to understand what you need to do. The question should be a great question that you would want to ask or see someone else ask even if you weren't posting an answer along with it. If you wouldn't want to see someone post the same question that you have without the answer, then you shouldn't be posting it.
    – Servy
    Commented Dec 1, 2014 at 16:20
  • That makes me more confused! this is a question+answer I upvoted (and I'm not alone!) because of their value together. Question itself (without its self-answer) deserves downvotes and to be closed (unfortunately original comments have been deleted). However I agree with you when you say "You're asking to list out everything about localisation. There's no way you can provide all of that in a few paragraphs.". That makes sense, question (even umbrella question) can't be such broad. Commented Dec 1, 2014 at 16:28
  • @AdrianoRepetti What about it is confusing? If you want to ask a question, it needs to be a good question; you shouldn't be asking a garbage question, and if you do it anyway, you shouldn't be surprised when people provide feedback that it's a bad question. If you want people to treat it as a good question then ask a good question.
    – Servy
    Commented Dec 1, 2014 at 16:30
  • Because, let me repeat: "...this is a question+answer I upvoted (and I'm not alone!) because of their value together. Question itself (without its self-answer) deserves downvotes...". That question is obviously not a good question but it has a great value together with its answer (because it'll help many users search for NullReferenceException and it's perfect to close 1M dups). Commented Dec 1, 2014 at 16:33
  • 7
    @AdrianoRepetti You may want that to be the case, but that's not how the site works. You need to ask a question that is appropriate on its own. The fact that you want to answer a question when asking it doesn't magically mean you're allowed to violate all of the rules of the site that determine what makes a good question. The question needs to be appropriate on its own. Yours is not. It was closed entirely correctly for a reason that applies exactly. It was downvoted for reasons that are entirely appropriate. If you have a problem with that then ask a good question.
    – Servy
    Commented Dec 1, 2014 at 16:36
  • 3
    is it a rainy gray day there? I'm asking this on meta exactly to understand rules, especially because there are great examples (and I don't mean my question is one of them) where your opinion isn't supported by many of us (in question I'm using as example there are 411 upvotes and 25 downvotes). Maybe I've not been clear but purpose of this question on meta is to understand if: "is it appropriate to post a stupid question to give a generic enough answer and to use it to close as dups many other similar/future stupid questions"? I see, you think it's not. Commented Dec 1, 2014 at 16:48
  • @AdrianoRepetti Why are you asking the question if you're merely going to reject any answers you get as someone having a bad day. You've gotten the answer to your question. Apparently you don't like it, but it's the answer, and you'll see it replicated all across the many questions on the topic. If you want to keep asking bad questions you can; I can't stop you, but you shouldn't complain about your questions getting closed or downvoted when you ask questions that you freely admit are bad. I wish I could stop you from knowingly asking bad questions, but I cannot.
    – Servy
    Commented Dec 1, 2014 at 16:58
  • 3
    Well, it is a rainy gray day every day here on meta.
    – BoltClock
    Commented Dec 1, 2014 at 17:00
  • 4
    It isn't Servy's opinion, it is the rule of the site. All questions are treated equal and held up to the same standards irrespective of answers and answerers. Commented Dec 1, 2014 at 17:06
  • I don't want to ask bad questions and for sure I will not ask them to provide self-answers if I'll have feedback on meta that this isn't what Q&A style is for (then yes, you may stop me to do it if your opinion is shared by many people). BTW I wasn't complaining but maybe my English can't express the concept or you're to used to see users ranting about downvotes... Commented Dec 1, 2014 at 17:06
  • 2
    @BoltClock let's change meta's theme to a peaceful green... Commented Dec 1, 2014 at 17:07
  • @InfiniteRecursion I thought it is for one year then I saw appreciated and useful questions which are not and then I thought rules are relaxed in that case. Now I'm here to ask official guidance... Commented Dec 1, 2014 at 17:08

To start with, I just want to say I am fully of the belief that questions should be judged by the existing standards, and not your "good intentions". And in that respect - as I did with my close vote - I believe the question is too broad.

Now to focus a bit on why I believe your "good intentions" are wrong...

The majority of visitors on SO are people searching for a solution to a specific problem. Take your examples for (erm...) example:

If people just want to know "which code page for non-Unicode file names in zip files?" and they stumble across your long-winded post, then how to you expect that to help them? Do you really think they will want to read/learn everything about Unicode just to solve their issue? No, I think they will want the quick fix approach.

But given your ideal world of concatenating all short specific questions in to one "catch all", you would lose that ability to find quick solutions to simple problems. And that - in my opinion - would take away what makes SO such a great resource in the first place.

Speaking personally: I don't come to SO to learn in any great detail. I come here to either find a quick solution to my problems, or to help return some solutions to the community that has helped me so often.

Bottom line, as interesting and in-depth as your answer is, I just don't think it serves any benefit being here. It's a blog post and should live on a blog. Maybe SO should support blogs/articles (which a dedicated area), but that's for another day.

  • LOL we had to meet again on meta! I have to say I highly agree with this sentence: "But ... concatenating all short specific questions ... you would lose that ability to find quick solutions to simple problems...". Maybe you're right about this even if I wouldn't like to see SO as a flash patches sites but a knowledge repository. Commented Dec 1, 2014 at 17:12
  • Why is UNICODE uppercase? BoltClock will not like it. Commented Dec 1, 2014 at 17:21
  • @InfiniteRecursion: I was just going with the flow
    – musefan
    Commented Dec 2, 2014 at 9:16

To be honest, I think that stack overflow is an inappropriate place for your answer. You said yourself, "It's a fake question used as an umbrella for a long answer where I tried to collect many common issues about Unicode text management and globalization stuff." That's not how this should work, a blog would have been the perfect place to put something like that. Or even a site where you could submit articles or some other small publications.

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