I have two accounts on SO (this one, and an old one that's more or less abandoned on SO itself) due to what basically amounts to a historical accident. HOWEVER: I have logins on 4 SE member sites that are all based on a SE OpenID that is tied to the same email/login as the OLD SO account! What will happen to the OpenID if I have the old SO account merged to the new SO account?
More gory details from the comments
So, I created a SO account a few years ago to ask a real nasty bugger of a question -- this account was based on a personal email address as that was the only one I had at the time. Fast-forward a few years, and I ran into another real bugger of a question, but didn't recall I had an SO account already at that point in time, so I created another SO account -- but during the process of asking the question, I found an answer on SO that answered it.
Later on, I got involved on a few SE sites -- but wound up basing my SE logins on the old SO login (SE OpenID) due to my new SO login being based on my work email. I now want to have the 125-odd rep and one, solitary question on my old SO account merged into my new SO account, to avoid confusion, potential sockpuppetry accusations, or a forced merge.
HOWEVER: I want the SE OpenID to be unlinked from the old SO account, so that it will not be migrated to the new SO account -- that way, if I ever want to turn email notifications etal on, I won't get a bunch of not-work email in my work email inbox. Is there some sort of switch I can flip on the OpenID that'd allow me to choose a different SE family account as the 'master' or 'owner' for that OpenID token?