I just discovered a question which contained a link to https://[something].proxee.co
(here is the edit). The link is:
This is only a anonymized version of this URL:
There are already 5 questions and one answer which use similar URLs, the oldest post with one of these links is only 3 days old: https://stackoverflow.com/search?q=url%3A%22*proxee.co%22
And the majority are links to SO: https://stackoverflow.com/search?q=url%3A%22*http--stackoverflowzx-com.proxee.co%22
Are these types of links allowed on SO? At this moment it only act as an anonymizer to view the linked page anonymously but it may be used for phishing too (see Possible Stack Overflow phishing site?). And what is the point of anomymizing a link to a website you're already visiting? Can a virus cause this?