It is on topic on Software Engineering.SE, see What topics are not “part of the SDLC” but are nevertheless still on topic?
History questions are still on-topic, provided the OP can demonstrate some relevance with an ongoing concern related to the SDLC...
There's even one of them promoted on Ars Technica.
Note that questions that tend to be of the 'go hunt down this bit of trivia' (for varying definitions of trivia) may be less well received (a "How have languages influenced CPU design" was recently closed as too broad and "Who first used the phrase “Those who only live by the GUI, will die by the GUI”" was fairly promptly closed after being asked). It can be rather hit and miss for how the community responds to the question.
Note that even if it isn't off-topic, the question may get down voted for lack of research (part of the text in the mouseover guidance for down vote).
History tag on Software Engineering.SE has had a bit of history to it too with going back and forth on the 'on or off topic' debate. The best (and most recent) summary of what is expected from a history question can be found at: Is programming history on topic? in which the guidelines given are:
- Askers must do their homework
- Askers must share their research
- Questions must be answerable
- Programming history questions should be about programming history
- No trivia
A question that fails to meet these points is more likely to get closed and down voted and an angry horde of Software Engineering.SE users will ping your mods and invade MSO.
To the specific question mentioned, the OP might want to make sure that they have done a bit of research first and present that along with the question. Just tossing out idle curiosity and shower thoughts may not make for good questions.
The idea of pairing the elements of two (or more) lists to operate on them must be older than the invention of Lisp's mapcar
They should be sure that they are at least familiar with the languages that predate Lisp and consider if it was something new within Lisp that one is seeing. This should be fairly easy as you are dealing with (as listed in Wikipedia) six major languages, one of which was listed as a forerunner of Lisp.
One may get better answers if they describe what they understand how Lisp is influenced by IPL and where its other influences came from.
The answer to the question is probably somewhere in the Information Processing Language Manual - if you can find a zip function (or one that can be easily created from other functions), that's where Lisp got it. If you can't, Lisp didn't likely get it from Fortran or Cobol.
The mentioned question would likely be a less than ideal migration given the 'homework' point of the history test:
If the answer to a history question can be found on a freely available reference site (read: Wikipedia) or the language's / system's / project's freely available documentation, then the question is off topic and will be closed as such.
As I mentioned, the answer is probably in the documentation for one of the languages - it's the higher order function for mapping two lists.
- how (if at all) should I tag a question about language features nowadays removed from the language, e.g. if I find one in legacy code and need help to port it? Similarly for tool features, parameters, etc.? I feel that a question "why does <xy> not work" is not meaningfully more or less valid, just because the answer is "it used to work in <tool version z> but not anymore". Especially as we should probably expect that answer to be unknown to the one asking.