Some time ago now, I flagged this question, as off topic.
on the basis that the help page says
Some questions are still off-topic: [...] Questions asking for homework help must include a summary of the work you've done so far..."
... and this question did not (or any of the other required stuff).
I added a note saying that I thought that this one particularly needed deletion, because it was one of those ones where someone answers it even though it's off topic, and gets accepted, reinforcing that this is OK with both the asker and answerer.
I thought that this was the right and accepted thing, based on this accepted and upvoted meta answer, which I referred to in the flag:
People who answer questions that are CLEARLY off-topic
... which says
the one somewhat (but not hugely) effective tool that we have to deal with this problem, is actually deleting these types of questions (they of course need to be closed first). If answers know that questions like these will consistently be deleted, they'll learn to not waste their time"
What I've come here to ask about is that the moderator who reviewed my flag declined it, and said
I really don't think penalising people who give good answers is going to solve any problems with the site.
In other words, this moderator is telling me that answering off-topic questions is perfectly fine, and might even be a reason not to delete the question
I honestly don't mind the declined flag, since my declined rate doesn't seem too bad, but I'd like some feedback on whether this appraisal is perhaps at odds with the "standard ruling" (IE in general flagging and deletion of this sort of thing is the standard procedure, even though in this case we go with the moderator's call) or whether I have taken the meta answer referred to above in the wrong way, and actually it is not normal to delete off topic question with accepted answers...