Could we have up/down votes shown separately and permanently for each question and answers and for each user?
Something like that, for example:
Could we have up/down votes shown separately and permanently for each question and answers and for each user?
Something like that, for example:
According to Why is it a privilege to view vote counts? and Show Total Votes (or Up/Down Votes), the calculation of the votes is too expensive.
Quoting Jeff:
The total vote count (score) is denormalized, but the individual up/down vote counts are not.
So to display it on every post would incur 2 vote table queries * number of visible questions / answers. Our DB is fast, but the vote table is pretty massive, and not doing a query is always faster than doing it.
By capping 99% of the users (users that are not Established Users) and not showing it in the first place, the overall performance is increased.
“View Vote totals” without 1000 rep alternatives.
[trick and hint from @LéoLam]
Important note: don't forget to click on Question or Answer score to see it.
See original post message: "View Vote totals" without 1000 rep - Stack Apps
Screenshot example: