I've recently run across a few questions like this one, which contain nothing but what looks like a problem set problem. No code, no context, not even an actual question. All it says is "do this!"
Upon perusal of various discussions here on Meta, I flagged this one (and others) as "too broad" for lack of a better flag reason. And yet, this question is still open, and only 2 downvotes with 11 views (as far as I can see at the time of this writing). I can only assume that the low views are why it's still around.
What is the best thing to do about questions like this? Is it just that more people should downvote and flag? Are we just waiting for the Roomba suck this up? I would think we would want to eliminate stuff like this pretty quickly, but it doesn't appear to be happening.
Apologies if this is a duplicate of something, I couldn't find other meta posts regarding questions that have zero info from the asker, not even "this is a homework problem"...
Here's the original question for reference:
Inputting grep with a named class of characters
Write a command to list lines containing a 4-digit year. Use a “named class of characters” in your solution, rather than a range expression.
Unclear what you're asking
should be the right decision (did so)