Sometimes, particularly when reviewing first posts, you'll often see very basic questions that could be solved with a bit of Googling. This generally isn't the sort of question that Stack Overflow should be addressing, and they usually don't show much research work.
However, when I'm trying to learn how to do something, I'll look for a Stack Overflow link in preference to almost any other site. This means that I'll usually have to find someone who's attempted and failed to do what I'm trying to do, and then got a solution, rather than just flat out finding a tutorial.
This seems counter-intuitive, but the reason I do it is the Stack Overflow experience is so much nicer than pretty much any other site. Most of the programming sites are hideously designed and it gives me brain ache trying to find where the tutorial is, and others like the Microsoft tutorials site whilst they look nice, are so determined to cover off every eventuality that you have to sift through a lot of content to interpret the actual solution.
What I'm proposing then is a Stack Overflow Basics minisite that preemptively gives concise, SO style answers the sort of beginner, nuts and bolts tutorials that you find on other sites but that are a pain to go through; basically a beginners tutorial section that users can contribute to as and when they feeling generous.