The way how meta participation is calculated is explained here:
Users most active on this site in the last 60 days (combined number of posts, votes, comments and edits).
While above has a definite benefit of being simple, it looks way too simple. Suggest to change it to use total score of the posts instead of their number.
Using total score instead of number of posts is not much more complicated and I think it is even somewhat simpler to explain. Current way suggests that posts at +100 and -1 are equally valuable contributions which seems to be really hard to grok (at least to me).
The way how system currently measures participation sends conflicting signals to voters. On one hand it suggests that voting is important, as important as posting, editing, commenting, okay. But on the other hand it sounds like it is only important to mechanically click the voting arrows, as if content being voted doesn't matter, as if it doesn't even matter if one votes up or down.
It's probably not the most important feature request out there but as an active voter I am not quite comfortable with the way how things work now.