I feel the term "similar"
"almost the same as someone or something else"
is more appropriate than "duplicate"
"exactly the same as something else : made as an exact copy of something else"
for when similar questions are asked.
Before you ask a question you search for what you want to ask. And before you post you are presented a list of questions that have similar words that the software thinks might be the same. So it is normally not the case that a duplicate question is being asked, and confusing to the poster to be told their question is a duplicate when they can see that it is not. It turns out there is something that could be used in place of "possible duplicate" as I just got it:
This question may already have an answer here:
Another good, and maybe best possibility is "references same subject matter" or "possibly references same subject matter". It appears that what the "duplication notifier/identifier" is actually referring to in most cases is the subject matter.