Key resource to read: The Death of Meta Tags
The primary criteria for something being a meta tag is if one can't be an expert in the topic. Can you an expert in homework? or subjective? or best-practices? No? Then its a meta tag.
The reason meta-tags are a problem is that they do not describe the content of the question. They describe some other aspect of the question, like the author’s skill level, or the author’s motivation for asking it, or generally what “kind” of question it is (poll, how-to, etc.).
Meta-tags are actually a subset of a larger problem that I usually call dependent tags. These are tags that don’t say anything by themselves – you can’t tell what the question is about unless they’re paired with some other tag (or several of them). These tags are a problem because people don’t realize this and will often use that as the question’s only tag.
(from Please zap the meta-tags and dependent tags on Seasoned Advice meta)
The project euler tag (or spoj) says nothing about the actual problem but rather the context it is in.
A good question is a good question regardless of its relationship to homework, project euler, spoj, or any on line code contest. On the other hand, a question tagged with such is often used as an 'excuse' as to why it exists at all - trying to make up for poor quality with "but its a real problem in this website."
This tag should go the way of homework.
Consider this following exchange about best-practices in the referenced blog post:
So if a question is tagged(for example):
[best-practices], [css], [html]
Is it valid or not?
To which Jeff replied:
[css] [hmtl] [best-practices]
is not valid, because [best-practices] is a meta tag.
What you should be asking yourself is this: for each tag you use,
could a question with only that tag be valid?
valid, the question is about css.
valid, the question is about html.
invalid, the question is about.. uh.. er.. who knows?
so, just use [css] [html] and drop the meta-tag
Applying this reasoning to project-euler or spoj, what is the problem about?
Glancing at a recent spoj question it is tagged with spoj only. Or which is tagged with spoj and codechef... or and Spoj backpack DP explaination which again are spoj only questions. is a spoj which isn't even about programing. Similar poorly tagged questions exist within project-euler too - Project Euler number 35 has only project-euler.