Short answer: we recommend not deleting your account, you should contact us if you feel that's your only or best option.
I'll now go into a bit more depth.
We've recently made some changes to the question block system that might have prevented you from reaching the point that you did. Before, the system kicked in after you had asked at least a few questions that weren't very well received. Depending on how things went from there, it's possible that you found yourself in a state that couldn't be helped.
When their three most negatively-scored and deleted questions are basically unsalvageable, there's very little chance that folks would ever be able to pull themselves out of the block. We're different than any forum, and even other Q&A sites - it sometimes takes folks a few belly flops in order to figure that out.
Under the new system, you would have been slowed down significantly, starting with your second question, and shown much more comprehensive help. The system also now gives you a bit more credit for positive participation in other areas of the site, as well as comprehensive edits you make to your own posts, and this is conveyed in the new guidance that we provide.
We can't however go back in time and attempt to slow you down and give you better guidance. There's no way to make this 'retroactively' fair. These are your options:
You can request account deletion, but you will be limited to one question per week until you've established yourself as a solid contributor, or at least demonstrated a pattern of not making the site worse.
You can also contact us and show us through your words, grammar, capitalization and punctuation that you are perfectly capable of writing a proper, coherent post after you're certain that you've gone back and edited your previous questions to the best of your ability. If you have a few initial questions that are just holding you back, we might be able to help.
We're a bit more sympathetic to those that are just hopelessly stuck, and we will do what we can to help you, if you can show us that you've improved since your earliest questions. I'd avoid things like 'plz', 'ur', etc - make it good. Capitalize your sentences. Use punctuation, proof read - don't hit the submit button on the contact form until you're sure you nailed it.
Thankfully, the system is now better optimized to not exclude those that can become good contributors if given a few more chances, while also not allowing folks that repeatedly get it wrong to keep throwing themselves at a wall.