Recently I seem to be asking more questions that have already been asked and answered, and I don't know if it is due to my inability to do searches, or there is something "off" with SO's own search process.
This question:
was marked as a duplicate of:
How can you convert "tinyint" of t-sql to integer in c#?
Due to the simplicity of the question, I felt that it must have been asked before, but several search attempts using the search box didn't bring it up, and the "Questions that may already have your answer" didn't bring it up either. Within a minute of the question being posted a user marked it as a dupe and provided the previously asked question. Which had the correct information in it.
So, am I a clueless or sloppy searcher, or does SO's own search process need some tweaking?
[c#] tinyint
, sorted by votes, and that question was #5 in the results. The first item in the list,…, would also have been a good candidate for the duplicate.