I recently created a question and assigned the tags I assumed characterize the question best in the order I thought most applicable, which in my case was
angular-ui-grid sorting angularjs javascript
As stated in this answer the tags are ordered based on the question count at the time the question was asked or edited, which results in the following order for my question:
javascript angularjs sorting angular-ui-grid
That in turn prepends the javascript tag to the question title in google's search results.
In this case the question title "How to access the sorted rows in an angularjs ui-grid?" already contains the necessary keywords "angularjs" and "ui-grid", so no harm done here.
But in general I would like to decide myself which tag is the most important to my question, and thus gets displayed in the search engine results. So here's my feature request: Please do no longer re-order the tags, but rather leave them in the order the user has had them applied.