I've decided recently to give back to Stack Overflow for all the good it did to me in my programming career. But the more I answer questions, the more I become frustrated at some things. Let me explain :
Every second question is posted by a beginner/new user and it typically involves a desperate plea for help and a cryptic error message.
A few seconds later, these questions are invariably reacted to in 3 ways :
- the angry users downvote (and sometimes voice their anger in some unconstructive comment).
- the less angry users comment : "Show us some code", or "What have you tried"
- the phlegmatic users ignore the question.
I'm currently in the second category, but increasingly going towards the third... I guess in a year I'll be a 1. Could it be a way to flag these questions in one click with a 'request for code' or 'show what you tried' without making the OP feel slapped in the face (the angry commenters will take care of that anyway). It could include a link to the guidelines.
I'm not saying that anyone should have this possibility, maybe we could restrict it to trusted users only, or users who have one of the tag badges the question is related to. Just an idea, what do you thin?