I have an old question (Route to static file in Play! 2.0) from Mar 20, 2012 which I still haven't accepted an answer for, and I have a few more with which I'm in the same position.
I would love to accept an answer, but I no longer work with the technology which I asked the question about and therefor no longer know which answer is correct.
What do you do in such a case? You can go with the one which received the most up votes, but then again, maybe that one doesn't actually answers the question, but just helped more people (who were decent enough to up vote). For example in the question I'm talking about, the one with the most up votes (15, and the one after it with 10) was posted when I was still using the technology and it did not answer my question (there's a comment there by me explaining how so).
I'd appreciate any idea of how to choose which answer to accept. Also, I'm sorry if there's already a question about this case, but I couldn't find it.