In my answer to the question “What is the purpose of linking object files separately in a Makefile?”, I observe that the question raised by the OP is actually a more general issue:
Why do you want to write a Makefile and not write a simple shell script? In the example that you consider simple, you make no use of any feature of make[…]! You are actually questioning about the point of writing Makefiles instead of shell scripts, and I will address this in my answer.
Is it legitimate to then edit the original question title to reflect this more general issue? I think that doing so might be useful to other Stack Overflow visitors curious about Makefiles and shell scripting.
A brief research led me to the META question “Is it okay to generalize a question?” which gave a small hint that this edit could be appropriate. I therefore suggested the corresponding changes in the question but my edits were rejected.
Should I leave the question as it is now or is it legitimate to edit its title so that it reflects the more general, underlying issue there?