Application stores, online marketplaces where developers can submit their applications for purchase and/or download by end-users, are fast becoming the main avenue through which non-web developers distribute their software.
Almost every major operating system across every platform (i.e., desktop, tablet, phone) is now associated with its own application store
These marketplaces often put very strict requirements on software being submitted, requiring rigorous and hard-to-navigate submission processes. These are of chief concern to developers, as they must know how to develop for submission and fix errors that result in rejections.
More developers every day are using these marketplaces as a "tool" not only to host and deliver their software to end users, but also to act as a broker for purchases of and within the application.
It can be argued, therefore, that questions about submitting software to application marketplaces (to quote the faq) are about "software tools commonly used by programmers" and "are unique to the programming profession".
Canonical link: [Are developer-centric questions about application stores on topic for Stack Overflow?](