In composing a question just now, I'm referring to the C++11 standard but I am not referring to anything I believe to be new features. Should I tag the question C++11?
I expect that most users will expect the C++11 tag to refer to new features added in C++11. My question will explicitly reference the C++11 standard simply because it is convenient to reference a single document, especially when using section numbering.
In cases where I'm asking questions about the C++11 standard, when should I tag as C++, when should I only tag as C++11, and when should I tag as both? As a responsible question asker, am I obliged to determine if the relevant portion of the C++ standard has changed?
To be honest I simply don't have a great sense of what is appropriate tag-etiquette - some of them are just so broad - but this specific question has crossed my mind more than once so I thought it was worth asking.