I ran on to this question. OP is clearly not aware of Portugal language spoken Stack Overflow site.
How should I flag the question to bring moderators' attention to move the question to other site?
I ran on to this question. OP is clearly not aware of Portugal language spoken Stack Overflow site.
How should I flag the question to bring moderators' attention to move the question to other site?
This is a special case that I don't believe is covered by the other question.
Frankly, we probably won't ever migrate questions to the Portuguese Stack Overflow site, ever. We, as moderators, do not know Portuguese and cannot vouch for the quality of the question to make that kind of decision. It doesn't make sense for us or anyone else in the community who is not familiar with Portuguese to send a question to that site. Translators are not always the most reliable tools and an "educated guess" is not an adequate reason to involve questions in the migration process.
If you know Portuguese and you think the question would be a suitable question on that site, then post a comment directing the user to that site and vote to close the question here.