First off, I agree that this question isn't a duplicate of When to flag an answer as "not an answer"? - but you should absolutely read the answer to that question, as it will save you some amount of frustration in the future.
Now, on to your question...
Does that means these kind of answers are welcome in Stack Overflow?
No, it doesn't. It means that folks disagreed as to whether or not this specific answer should be removed. There's a vast difference between "let's not delete this" and "let's roll out the red carpet for anything that looks like this!"
There are plenty of answers that do attempt to answer the question asked, are technically accurate, but fail to actually be of use to folks facing the problem being addressed. The proper action there is usually just to downvote; in extreme cases, moderators and trusted members of the site can delete them, but even then they're much more likely to do so if others have previously indicated the worth of the answer by voting. If an answer that does answer the question is heavily downvoted but never deleted, it is not a problem; it will be visibly deemphasized by the system in favor of better answers.
See also: Your answer is in another castle: when is an answer not an answer?
Oh... And get rid of this notion that lackluster answers should be converted to comments. The last thing we need to be doing with unhelpful posts is pinning them directly under the question, above more useful answers. Comments should be reserved for errata, tangential notes, and requests for clarification - and they should usually be seen as temporary. Unhelpful comments cannot be downvoted, just deleted - so if folks disagree about deleting an answer, it's a pretty good bet it wouldn't be removed as a comment.