A common pattern is:
- A user is asking a question that is interesting and useful.
- It's somewhat unclear regarding details of the users use case.
- The user is not available for clarifications.
What makes the question interesting and useful is some aspect that can be applied in a general way.
The value for other users in the answers is based on the general aspect.
The exact question of the user is not clear, but also it is mainly relevant to himself.
In this situation, giving an answer that may miss the (unclear) problem details, but covers the interesting high level part makes sense, I think.
What I do, instead of asking "Is this what you what you're looking for?" is to
state the assumptions I made
(and encourage a new user to provide input so I can adapt the answer to his use case).
The answer aims to be useful for users arriving by a seach matching the question. Adapting it to the needs of the user is an optional second step. All this assuming he is unavailable for feedback at the time of writing, and there are enough comments on the question requesting clarification.
The risk with this is that a closed, or low voted question could make a good answer less accessible.
May that help you?
at the end of my answers, if I'm not 100% (but 80-90%) sure to understand what the OP is asking for, because sometimes it is too easy like in the referenced question, where I was really confused that he couldn't do this by himself! I do so as I hope that the OP will clarify himself by some comment feedback to know it was a successful answer (he did so by accepting the answer). But I'm not happy with the answer, too. So are you talking about answers like that?