Short answer: yes.
Long answer: not so quickly.
It is undeniable that, as a candidate, it is very good to have a high reputation. I would say that a high reputation helps in making you be noticed, even "shine": if you can be seen in a large pool of developers, that's always a very good thing.
As an interviewer, however, you have to be careful. Sure, it is a good indicator, but I know plenty of good (not stellar, but good) people that have no Stack Exchange profile at all. And someone else that has a profile, but get to answer only a bunch of questions.
And on the other hand, I have personally interviewed a developer with a MUCH higher Stack Overflow reputation than mine. In the end, he was a no-hire. Why? He had a very high rep from answering (in a good way, I have to say) trivial questions, a lot of them. But he failed the first technical question about the software we make (recursion).
High rep is indication of a good sense of community, of great expertise in some area. Great expertise is very good for some jobs, but not something you (usually) value too much if you are looking for an all-around developer. It does not necessarily indicate that you are a good thinker, which is what I look for in a developer.
So, while a high rep may be a good indicator, the kind of questions asked and answered is much, much more important IMHO.