Looking at Haskell's top questions I noticed this particular question: Small Haskell program compiled with GHC into huge binary.
This question is very peculiar:
- question and answer have many upvotes (80+ and 140+ respectively)
the text of the question is completely useless. Here's the complete quote of it:
My source code can be found here: https://github.com/tm1rbrt/S3DM
When I compile it with
ghc test.hs
the executable comes out at over 7 meg! What, if anything, can I do to reduce this?Note: the github link is broken. I've tried to use the Wayback machine, but it doesn't have that page available. I tried searching the user on Github, but no user is found with that name.
Also, the answers don't contain any of the code that was linked by the question.
The answer is still useful. Reading it it's clear what the problem was (although not how exactly to reproduce it) and tells you how to solve the space problem mentioned in the question.
Now, what should we do with that question (a part from poking the author to edit the code in)?
- Should we just let it alone, even though it doesn't have any mean of verifying the claim they make?
- Edit out any reference to concrete code and make it a "GHC creates big executables, especially when using library X, Y. Why?" question?
- Create a brand-new MWE that show the behaviour described by the question and answer and edit it into the question?
- Close the question as "why isn't this code working?") must include the desired behavior, a specific problem or error and the shortest code necessary to reproduce it in the question itself"
Also, what should we do in the general case?
In this case, it seems like option 3 might be viable because the problem was simple and the answer contains a lot of information that can be used to reverse-engineer some code. However what should we do in such a situation when option 3 cannot be achieved?