I joined 1 week+ ago and come regularly to chat room.
The problem is that my avatar in chat has never been changed from a LGBT flag despite having had a different avatar since joining, and the LGBT flag can be seen as offensive or rude to many people who have nothing to do with it.
Nonetheless people with this avatar won't receive neutral opinions or engage in a neutral discussion because they might be either be taken as troll, not serious users or just someone who hasn't the same opinions as them. While in fact 99% of time the user doesn't associate with such an avatar.
This is also an issue that attacks the core of the system which is neutrality.
The flag avatar I'm talking about:
My avatar since joining is this though:
What's going on with this avatar? I've heard complaints from other users as well.
In a discussion we had it seems that it's related to accounts registering behind proxies and the likes, which is bad considered that many people register behind public WiFi or school's computers/internet as I did.
Is this a bug? If yes can it be fixed? If not, can you at least block this behaviour for people behind public WiFi or school's computers/internet?