Questions that are closed as "recommend or find a tool, library, or favorite off-site resource" are doing 2 of the same but different close reason messages.
Here's some links to closed questions that reproduce this issue : 1 , 2 , 3
Also, I think this other bug below may possibly be related.
The blue 3 (or blue however many votes) works for other off-topic reasons, but has not been working for me for the tool/recommendation reason for like last 2 weeks. So maybe the reason it's not showing is because the 3 previous users are using the other recommendation/tool/library close reason? Is it possible that different users are receiving different close reasons to choose from even though they are practically the same?
Special thanks goes to Unihedron for noticing the first bug mentioned here and making us aware of it! This post really wouldn't of happened if it weren't for his keen observation skills! chat message link