I haven't posted a question in a while which has gotten a downvote, but I sure do make it hard for people to help me. This is because I am highly restricted on what I can post to get help on by my employment contract. So usually I cannot post actual application code.
What makes it worse is that when I sanitize my code for pushing to plunker, I end up not being able to replicate the issue. So sanitizing the code hides the problem. My latest one is on an SPA that is a dozen controllers, popups, and and more.
I have ended up answering my own issues in the past, and sometimes it is even helpful for others.
Should I bother posting the question, if I know I cannot share the full code, and maybe just post after I figure it out? Or should I continue, just in case there is a lucky soul who has ran into this with fix?
I fall into into the category of this question too often: Questions that don't provide real code.
Other suggestions welcomed, too.