I just failed my first review audit (\o/) regarding the First Post Queue and I don't really understand why (actually I think I do because the returned message is explicit but this question aims more at improving this kind of first post review audit).
So I was introduced to this question where a new user (1 rep) seemed to have posted 2h ago a very good answer. I even found that the answer was a bit too good for a first post so I decided to open the topic in a new tab to quickly check all the answers on a neat interface (I find the review one a little bit less clear which is normal since you have more options).
And guess what I found ? He had copy/paste the exact same answer as the accepted one (originally written by Jerry Coffin). I didn't investigate further since it seemed clear to me that the new user was attempting at gaining reputation through the answers of others.
The result of the audit is "you should have considered leaving it as-is or even upvoting". You bet I didn't : I flagged the answer and if I could have double-flagged it, I would have done it !
So in the end, am I paying my overzealous first post review moderation ? How could those particular audit could be improved ?
I can think of one way : do not select an "awesome first-class guru-like" answer as the first post of a new fake user. I do agree that this kind of first post review audit is necessary and can only improve the awareness of first post reviewers. But the algorithm responsible for the selection of the question/answer couple should take into account the technical length (or simply the length :) ) or the "fake" answer which will be presented to the reviewer.
Another way this can be done is by checking the reputation of the original answering person. In my case, Jerry Coffin has over 239K rep, so obviously the answer was great ! The algorithm should select accepted answer from low rep user (or even combine the two : low rep user with low length answer content) so that the answer is just good enough to be plausible as a first post.
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