This is the post in question (It has been deleted after this question was posted -- users with 10K+ reputation might still be able to see it):
Ich entwarf diese Seite in Schwierigkeiten, und keine Möglichkeit, um eine gute Wirkung zu entwerfen . Erweckt den Eindruck, sieht nicht gut aus, aber es ist ein guter [Laserpointer][1]
[1]: Bitte helfen Sie, dass, wenn man sie hier einen Link zu schicken, dann suche ich es
As per Google Translate, the English equivalent of this would be:
I designed this page in trouble, and no way to design a good effect. Gives the impression that does not look good, but it's a good [laser pointer] [1]
[1]: Please help, that if you send them a link, then I search it
Maybe I am missing something here, but the post doesn't even seem to be asking a question. There's nothing more than go to this link in the question.
I was led to think that this would be spam and flagged it such. However, the flag was declined:
-3 Ich entwarf diese Seite in Schwierigkeiten, und keine Möglichkeit, um eine gute Wirkung zu entwerfen [on hold] asked 2 hours ago by starklasers
flagged as spam declined - a moderator reviewed your flag, but found no evidence to support it
Could somebody help me improve my understanding of questions and spam?