I believe what has happened here was completely wrong.
The original description for 24hour was,
Use this tag for questions related to continuously running programs or systems.
Which I think is completely misleading.
If you are writing a question about continuously running programs then surely continuous would make more sense?
Retagging to military-time was the wrong thing to do as it is very US-centric. 24hour makes much more sense for this.
What should have happened in my opinion was that the 24hour description be changed to something along the lines to:
Use this tag for questions specific to the 24 hour time format
And questions about continuous programming be retagged as continuous.
tag is for. :)[status-complected]
--> exit message for a tanning booth?time
. I have 36 years experience with it - every day of my life.O'Brian is exceptionally intelligent and displays extraordinary mastery of computer science
she'll defiinitly get the job done in 24h ;)