As the accepted answerer of How can I create lists from a list of strings? and one of the active members of the Python tag, I will try and outline what happened.
A question had been closed as a duplicate to the question I replied to. Several minutes later, that same question had been "hammered" as a duplicate to a question the OP had an accepted answer on -- this to me seemed fairly "self-indulgent".
We talked about it in the Python room - I had a bit of rant really, as I was annoyed about it (bad day - we all get those).
I made it clear I wasn't going to start a hammer war - I could have immediately re-opened and re-closed, but that could potentially make me a hypocrite (and myself seem self-indulgent).
The Python community (those that participate in chat (obviously we don't speak for everyone but we're pretty much 24/7 and making sure stuff doesn't slip through the net where we can), and try to make things easier all-around for everyone) voted on the quality of the answers, not the age.
If the dupe target had better answers, a better structured question and title, I couldn't have cared less to be honest. It just wasn't... we need the best canonical dupes we can find for visitors and that wasn't it (at least in our opinion).
wim - If you wish to help in finding it, you're more than welcome - it's bound to have been asked many times... (and I'm sure answered in some terrifying ways!)