I was posting a question today on Stack Overflow about uninstalling a Visual Studio extension.
When I went to enter some tags there was no tag for the word "Extension" and nothing really even close. And since my reputation points are less than 1,500 I couldn't create the tag, so I had to use Add-in instead.
I am curious, after all the millions of posts on SO why doesn't a tag as common as "Extension" exist?
Also, I don't particularly agree with the policy that you must have 1,500 reputation points to create a new tag. Surely they don't want to let brand new members make new tags, but how about lowering the requirement to something like 500?
They could also insert some logic into the new tag creation process to check whether a tag seems relevant to either the topic or within the scope of Stack Overflow's purpose (for example, technology questions).
This would prevent people from making tags like "Walmart" or making tags that match their company name to try and get some free advertising.
If they incorporated this tag logic into the site they could then lower the reputation requirements due to the lessened risk of people making irrelevant tags.
The tag "Extension" is clearly relevant and probably necessary, so I believe I should have been able to create it.