I've recently flagged this answer to my question. But my flag was declined. In my opinion that answer is both wrong and have content and length issues.
Now I wonder why this flag was declined? Thanks
I've recently flagged this answer to my question. But my flag was declined. In my opinion that answer is both wrong and have content and length issues.
Now I wonder why this flag was declined? Thanks
The answer you flagged was in fact just that, an answer. It may be incorrect, but it's still an answer, not a comment or question.
The flag reason really says it all:
"This was posted as an answer, but it does not attempt to answer the question. It should possibly be an edit, a comment, another question, or deleted altogether."
Moderator flags are not intended to be used on "Incorrect" answers. In that case, downvote, maybe even comment, and move on.
just try height:100% in style tag
that ^ is an answer. So you incorrectly flagged it as not an answer.
There really is no such thing as length issues when it comes to flagging as NAA.
For example :
Could be an answer to a closed ended question.
You still should not flag as NAA if the answer is incorrect. Normally you should just downvote it, and leave a comment explaining why it's wrong if you want to.