If it were me...
If I was still interested in the answer AND if it's not causing any problems, like generating lots of off-topic comments, I'd just leave it. I would clean up the post to be a better Stack Overflow fit and possibly put a bounty on it.
If I were not interested in the answer, and I didn't feel it's a good Stack Overflow fit, and that nobody else is likely to be interested... eh... it's not like it's taking up space on a shelf. Maybe someone will come along and answer it. Maybe moderators will come along and close it. If it was bothering me enough to post on meta about it, I'd delete it.
What I wouldn't do is worry much about how it affects your reputation points. That way madness lies. For example, back when Stack Overflow displayed your accept rate I used to get bagged on for having a low accept rate. Rather than mark as accepted questions which I didn't feel weren't fully answered, or delete them, I reviewed my unaccepted questions, accepted a few I'd missed, but left the rest unaccepted. I sometimes ask difficult or obscure questions.
The reputation system guides your decisions, it should not make them for you. It is flexible enough to allow you to make a few honest mistakes without serious consequences.