I know the subject of receiving reputation for flags has been discussed before but I feel that it wasn't discussed enough. So here are my thoughts:
I am not an experienced programmer, sometimes I know the answer because I encountered the problem myself others I just search for answers out of curiosity. In many cases the problem was already asked on this site and have a good accepted answer so I flagged the question.
I think all of us have search for answers and found them on other sites or documentations at least once. What is the difference between taking the answer from there and posting it to the question and flagging, which is giving to the user a link to an answer on the same website.
When previously asked the question about reputation for flags the answer was that the users should flag questions out of the desire to keep this site clean. I am sorry but the users (most of them) want reputation.
I do not ask that the flags should be rewarded, I am just pointing out the obvious, most of users post answers weather the question was asked before or not.
After readying other related questions and the comments:
Don't you show effort when you search for an answer or analyze the question to see if it is appropriate for this site?
Should't a user who knew the answer or found it but choose to flag the question be more rewarded than one who just threw an answer without checking?
And for the case when new answers are given to duplicated question, wouldn't be better if the one who asks mentions that he already searched and found the question but is not satisfied with the answer?
As a conclusion, and since the question was flagged as duplicate although I don't find the other answers satisfying:
- It appears it's better to answer the question than to flag it as duplicate, maybe your answer will bring something new (rarely does)
- If you find that the question was already asked post the response from where you find it, by the time the question will be marked as duplicate or put on hold the user might have accepted the answer or your answer would have received up-votes. It's the same as if you found the answer on other sites or knew it.
- If the one who asks didn't bother searching before, why should you?. Post the answer, he accepts it, he is happy, you got rep, you are happy.
From the perspective of a new user everything looks so nice on this site, but after you spend some time on it and see how hungry for rep some users are...