Very often, I read a question and think about an answer. During my thought process I see that new answers pop up very quickly but sometimes they are incomplete or address only part of the question.
Can't Stack Overflow's reward system, or better: the answering workflow be overhauled in order to address that problem? For example introduce a minimum time that has to expire after a question has been asked before an answer can be posted but prepared?
I feel that lots of users simply want to make the quickest answer as possible to claim the reward of an upvote or acceptance.
Often those answers are reviewed and changed during the course of the next minutes which makes them incrementally better. But the initial wave of answers is very often just a first thought that could have been hold back before refinement and personal approval of the author himself.
I just want to address some of your answers and comments.
On a second thought my question is still valid but I also see that one aspect of the nature of the Stack Exchange Network is to trade response for some kind of acknowledgement. You are also right in saying that sometimes you need a quick answer and I have to admit that I have already been given very good answers in almost an instant, too. So probably the trade off of getting this incredibly good and fast response rate is to sometimes have quick and dirty answers. It seems very difficult if not impossible to force any kind of quality without losing what makes Stack Overflow so cool. And probably it is not always a bad thing to see a posts' progress during later improvement.