Sorry for the title, but I couldn't think of a good one. Feel free to edit it.
In run haskell operations in parallel or multithreaded, someone asked to speed up computation in Haskell via concurrent/parallel programming. However, a later revision added a second question:
PS: Also, if possible, some optimisations for improving the speed of the operations, because at this point if I run this operation for an interval such as [100..10000] it takes a long time (I stopped it after 45mins).
Since there was already an adequate answer for parallelism/concurrency, I gave an answer that focused on non-concurrent/-parallelism based optimization, although that answer was probably slightly off-topic for the overall context.*
The OP has tried those optimizations and deleted the PS, and instead asked a new question (improve function performance) which solely asks about optimization, in order to benefit me:
Already answered at: – Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. 1 hour ago
I know, I made this so I can accept that other answer – rolandjitsu 1 hour ago
A question written especially for a single user/answer makes me a little uncomfortable, and I totally concur with Cary Swoveland:
This is an unusual situation.
This leads to my following questions:
- Should the new question get closed as duplicate? After all, one of them is explicitly asking for concurrency/parallelism compared to ruby, while the other is asking for optimization. They are similar, but not really duplicates.
- If the question shouldn't get closed, should I delete my answer on the original question and repost it on the new question? This seems a little bit weird. Can an answer get moved, together with the revision log? (I don't care about the upvotes, so they could get removed in this case, if there's a concern about that)
There's also an additional question, whether my answer, although probably helpful, is actually on-topic on the original question, with the PS being gone, but that's just a sidenote.
* yeah, I realize I should have commented on the question and tell OP that he should ask a new question instead of adding questions into his original one, but I didn't pay attention on the revision log :/