No foul, but remember that every edit you make triggers an inbox notification for the author. Some folks are on a crusade to make sure "its" and "it's" are used properly on the site, and bless 'em for it, because so many folks get that wrong. Others are on a quest to eliminate unnecessarily complex compound sentences by breaking them into several.
Just use common sense, and respect the voice, tone and intentions of the original author. Don't add emphasis that wasn't their own, leave intentional alliteration and cleverly placed humor where it is. It's their voice, their preference when it comes to indentation and formatting, their contribution to the site. Your edits no longer need to be peer-reviewed, so you're not tasking folks with minutia - feel free to improve that which you can which needs it. Respect their right to roll your edit back.
Just be respectful, and use common sense.