There are lots of tags, one for each Git command. I think they should be removed. The questions are good enough if tagged git.
I think they are too narrow as one can see by the low question count on each of them (compared to the 43k questions on git).
As the help center states, tags are there to connect experts with questions they can answer. git does that, while git-commit doesn't add anything more. Also it states that new tags should only be created if they cover new ground, which these tags don't do either, so they shouldn't be there in the first place.
There are currently some tags for svn that serve the same purpose, and I will add a meta deleting them if the current one has completed.
The question's title should state the relevant command the questioner has trouble with, not the tag on the question.
I think manually cleaning them is necessary to ensure they are all tagged with Git and have their relevant command in the title.
Here's a list of all tags that I could find that I think applies. git-add, git-alias, git-am, git-annex, git-apply, git-archive, git-bare, git-bisect, git-branch, git-bundle, git-cherry, git-cherry-pick, git-checkout, git-clean, git-clone, git-commands, git-commit, git-config, git-core, git-credential-winstore, git-cvs, git-daemon, git-describe, git-detached-head, git-diff, git-difftool, git-extensions, git-fastimport, git-fetch, git-filter-branch, git-flow, git-fork, git-fsck, git-ftp, git-gc, git-hg, git-index, gitignore, git-interactive-rebase, git-internals, git-media, git-merge, git-new-workdir, git-notes, git-patch, git-post-receive, git-pull, git-push, git-p4, git-rebase, git-reflog, git-remote, git-rerere, git-reset, git-revert, git-review, git-rev-list, git-rewrite-history, git-rm, git-shell, git-show, git-slave, git-squash, git-stage, git-stash, git-status, git-submodules, git-subtree, git-svn, git-tag, git-tf, git-tfs, git-track, git-update-server-info, git-verify-pack, git-workflow
I've left out the ones where I felt that they are not part of this problem (without caring if they should be removed for other reasons).
For those who oppose the elimination, how about synonyming them to git-commands, git-interoperability (for git-cvs, git-svn...) and other abstractions to have one tag to hold them all?
This question already had some discussion in this other question.
over and over again...:%s/, /], [tag:/g