How are duplicate received?
They are closed and/or downvoted even if they are good question with a completely different wording. Even if the original of the duplicate is an highly voted question.
Duplicates are a good example of what is describe here.
Duplicates are helpful.
Often, by googling to find an answer I stumble across the duplicate questions before the "original" one. If there was not a duplicate question that asked roughly the same thing but used different words, I might never have found the original one. Also, the same question asked differently sometimes help to understand it.
As the site is gamified, to push you to earn more reputation, I can understand why duplicate shouldn't earn reputation for the asker, but since the site try to generate the best questions and answers, having different wording for a question often greatly help.
My point is that asking good duplicate question should not penalize the asker but it should not benefit him either.
If anything, the original question should get some reputation bonus since it was so good that someone had the same question but asked it differently.