Editing isn't really worth trying to stop. The odds of a question banned user having the 2k reputation to edit posts without review is super unlikely. You'd really need to work hard to get to that point. If you're just talking about suggested edits, there still is an (admittedly somewhat dysfunctional) review process to get between bad edits actually being applied. But more importantly suggested edits can be done by even anonymous users, so if they really want to suggest an edit all they'd need to do is log out to make one.
As for first/last post reviews, while it's rather unlikely for a question banned user to have sufficient rep (most post banned users have almost no rep at all), it is a possibility that's not quite as absurd as editing. Personally I don't think that most users with only 500 rep have really started to understand the intricacies of proper posting on SO and would simply rather see the rep requirement higher in general, that's really an issue for another post.
A user that is post banned has demonstrated consistently that they lack the exact skills that they are expected to teach to other users using those review queues. If the user would make a quality reviewer I can't imagine how they could manage to get themselves post banned, as each activity is primarily based on the exact same skill set.
While we have an audit system in place for reviewers who aren't even trying at all, and who are not so much as reading the posts in question before rubber stamping them, these audits simply aren't designed to handle reviewers who are paying some slight amount of attention, but simply don't know what the proper action(s) are when reviewing a post. The existing review tools simply aren't designed to find reviewers that just don't know how to review posts. If you're lucky some user will just happen to come across a few reviews at some point and flag for moderator attention, but that simply doesn't scale to the size of the existing review queues, and isn't reliable at all.
What's worse, with the first/last posts queues in particular, there's really no particularly good ways for the reviewer to know whether or not they are reviewing effectively. Providing feedback to a new users to help them understand how to effectively use the site, determine in what ways their content can be improved to be in line with this communities values, and using moderation tools to fix or deal with inappropriate content is a very nebulous and abstract concept. If the user is "look's good"-ing all sorts of problematic posts they likely won't even recognize that they're doing something wrong and as such won't be able to learn how to act appropriately by using the queues.