I answered a question here - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/24728681/opengl-lwjgl-is-jmonkey-for-me/24732143#24732143. A few minutes later, I got a downvote.
Now fine, I got a downvote, that is okay with me if someone thinks it is a low-quality answer. However, what annoys me is that the person appears to have downvoted every single post in that question, including the question itself (I had already upvoted the question) (and all the answers).
maybe that person did just think that they were bad quality, however is that sort of thing allowed - Just randomly downvoting every single post in a question?
Obviously, I cannot be sure it is the same person, however I would have thought it was since it would be unlikely that three seperate people would just happen to have each done one downvote on just one post in a question.
So, I guess what I am asking is what should be done about such things, if anything?