What to Flag as Not an Answer (NAA)
You flag as NAA things posted as answers that clearly and obviously do not attempt to answer an on-topic question or the question asked. If the fact that the answer isn't an attempt to answer isn't clear and obvious, without reading the question body, then instead of an NAA flag an "in need of moderator intervention" flag should be raised and you should explain the issue in more detail.
Examples of things to flag as NAA
None of the following are answers, nor are they spam or offensive. You'd be surprised how often these types of posts crop up. Common examples of what to flag are:
Thanking the posters
Thxs! I had teh exact same poblem and this page really hepped me (sic)
@username's solution worked. Thanks!
"Thanks" can be expressed by upvoting the post and/or accepting the answer. Even as a comment, "thanks" is subject to deletion.
Asking a new question
So how do I apply this to the frobnar when I twiddled the foozbain then?
If a user has a new question, then they should use the "Ask Question" button to post a new question. Obviously, a question would need to be fleshed out more than just what's in this example.
Asking for clarifications
I don't get it; you want to foo the bar, but you did not include a traceback. Can you add that to your question, please?
Such requests should not be posted as answers, but as comments.
'Bumping' the question
Man, I have the exact same problem, have you got a solution for this yet?
The preferable way to increase the visibility of a question is to offer a bounty. Posting a non-answer just adds clutter and should never be done.
Links to an answer
Essentially this:
If there's nothing in the answer itself to actually answer the question, then it's not an answer and should be deleted. In other words:
The answer can be found over here: <link>
Notice that this is not necessarily the same thing as a "link-only answer" (although there is much overlap). In particular, answers where the link itself is the answer to the question are excluded and should not be flagged. For example, where the link text is a function/API and the link target is the associated documentation, or where the answer explains how to form a URL correctly.
A handy rule-of-thumb is to strip the markup: if it's still an (attempted) answer without the link, then it's an answer and should not be flagged.
If you find an especially useless link-only answer, such as one with a dead link, it is better to use the "requires moderator attention" flag so you can explain to the moderators why the post should be deleted. Don't leave moderators guessing; be explicit, rather than using a generic "not an answer" (NAA) flag. Do this only if you cannot improve the post yourself and the only possible solution is deletion. Examples of ways to fix a low-quality link-only answer are:
Editing in the pertinent information from the link. Try to summarize the information in your own words and quote relevant parts.
(Do not copy in code from GitHub Gists or other sources where the license is incompatible with our CC BY-SA license. Only the original owner of the content can cross-license it, so they need to be the one to edit. This is a good case to raise a custom moderator flag, or to leave a comment.)
Replacing the link with the page's new location or with an archived copy.
Leaving a comment informing the poster of the problems with the answer and politely asking them to fix them. (This is especially appropriate for old answers, posted by still-active users, that were once useful but haven't aged well.)
What NOT to Flag
Any post that attempts to answer the question — however badly — is still an answer and should not be flagged. You can add comments or downvote such answers as a signal that they are bad answers and not useful, but they are still answers.
- Wrong answers. Moderators do not judge the technical correctness of answers.
- Answered in the wrong programming language. Answers in a different programming language are still answers.
- Answers on off-topic questions. If the question is the problem, there is no reason for wasting flags and time on its constituents. For example: a link-only answer with a recommendation in response a question asking for recommendations. If you have the privilege, vote to close the question, otherwise flag it.
- Short answers. The difference between comments and answers is not their length. Concise attempts to answer the question are answers.
- Answers phrased as suggestions. Answers that say "Maybe you should try X" or "I don't know if this will work, but..." are still answers. Instead of flagging them, edit them to remove the uncertainty.
- Answers with no code. Answers with no code are still answers.
- Answers with only code. Answers with only code are still answers.